Universitat Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain
General description
Expertise related to the project
Within UPC, the IntelliMan project is carried out at the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC), which is a university research institute of UPC and its activities follow a path that started more than thirty years ago, including research, academic courses and technology transfer. These activities are developed in transversal areas such as automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer science, industrial engineering. The IOC staff is composed of researchers, professors, technicians, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Part of the staff is shared with different departments of the UPC, providing the IOC with multidisciplinary character. The IOC fosters the relationship with both Spanish and foreign research centers in order to promote the connection in related research areas and encourages the international exchange of research experiences. All the activities are possible thanks to public funds via both European and national research and collaboration projects, agreements with companies, academic courses via official masters and recognized doctoral programs.
The research group involved in IntelliMan belongs to the Division of Robotics of IOC, whose main line of research is focused on industrial and service robotics, particularly on dexterous manipulation, task and motion planning and artificial intelligence techniques for bimanual mobile manipulators with anthropomorphic structure.
Other research projects of the group related with the topics addressed in IntelliMan are:
- Title: Autonomous Dexterous Robots as Coworkers with Human Operators (AUDECO). Financed by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish Government (DPI2016-80077-R) Duration: 4 years (30/12/2016 to 29/12/2020)- Finished.
- Title: Industrial Doctorate Training Network on Future Wireless Connected and Automated Industry enabled by 5G (5GSmartFact). Financed by: European Commission, MSCA-ITN-EID Proposal number: 956670. Duration: 4 years (01/03/2021 to 28/02/2025) – In progress.
- Title: Core Capabilities for Robot Co-workers (CaRo). Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spanish Government (PID2020-114819GB-I00). Duration: 4 years (1/09/2021 to 30/08/2025) – In progress.
- Title: Resilient manufacturing lines based on smart handling systems (SMARTHANDLE). Financed by: European Commission, HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-04, project 101091792. Duration: 4 years (1/1/2023 to 30/12/2026) – To start.
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