
How does a robot grasp a variety of objects robustly from clutter? How does a robot decide which grasp modality to use for a given situation? Can a robot grasp two objects simultaneously? Can robots grasp thin shiny objects like cutlery? How does perception, planning, and control algorithms work synchronously to achieve successful grasping in a constrained environment?
In this article, we delve into the grasp planning aspects of a multi-modal gripper. A multi-modal gripper, for example, the DLR HCG, allows the use of different modalities like fingers, suction, or electro-magnets for grasping a variety of objects. First, the different objects in the environment are segmented. Based on the material properties of the object, its pose and minimum bounding box, grasps for different modalities are geometrically computed. These grasps are then systematically filtered and assigned a quality score to predict the best grasp and modality for the given situation. To know more in detail, please follow the link to the article and IntelliMan project.
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