
The development of upper limb prosthetics has taken a leap forward with our innovative design of a two-degrees-of-freedom compliant robotic wrist. This new wrist design not only matches the maximum range of motion of a human wrist but also introduces significant advancements in flexibility, durability, and cost-efficiency.
Our design leverages Cross-Axis Flexural Pivot (CAFP) joints, produced as a single, monolithic component using additive manufacturing technology. This approach ensures that the wrist is lightweight, easy to maintain, and resistant to wear and tear. The optimization routine we developed, which employs the bi-beam constraint model technique, ensures the wrist’s compliant joints are synthesized with precision, as confirmed through rigorous finite element analysis (FEA).
Key features of our robotic wrist include:
- A maximum range of motion with ±80° of flexion/extension and ±40° of ulnar/radial deviation.
- Frictionless operation and immunity to backlash due to the utilization of CAFP joints.
- An efficient tendon routing path that minimizes power consumption.
- A robust design that prevents buckling under external forces through passive contact profiles.
Experimental tests have verified the FEA results, showcasing the wrist’s exceptional range of motion and reliability. This novel design promises to enhance the functionality and user experience of upper limb prosthetics, offering a more natural and adaptable solution for users.
Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and refine prosthetic technology, paving the way for more advanced and accessible prosthetic solutions.
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